What is the “washout effect” or dryness after the cream? This phenomenon in the scientific and medical literature is described extremely poorly. However, almost every specialist faced this problem in their patients.
The washout effect most often affects women who experience burning, tightness on the skin after washing with water. Such a problem appears as a consequence of “hyper-care”.
All creams, serums, two-phase cleansing liquids contain emulsifiers that can disrupt the hydro-lipid balance of the skin due to excessive leaching of lipids.
Studies of the composition of the skin mantle in 2004 showed that in adults, violations of the hydrolipidic layer of the skin are not uncommon, and they are often associated with a lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids in it.
Based on these studies, the BiOIL technologists team tested 17 formulations of monoacid concentrates and created a “gold standard” similar to the pH level and composition of our skin mantle. By replenishing the missing fatty acids, a balance is achieved, the normal functioning of our skin is restored, and its condition improves rapidly.